Phone Chat

Why Talking On The Phone Helps Your Relationship


Woman sitting in cafe laughing whilst talking on mobile phone

Whether you’ve been together for a long time or are just embarking on a new relationship, make sure you talk on the phone regularly, don’t get comfortable always communicating by text.

One of the most prominent issues when text messaging is misinterpretation. All you are presented with is some text on a screen. There is no tone, no volume and it’s much harder to understand what someone may mean.

If you talk on the phone, you are able to hear the mood someone is in and how they are coming across. This could help avoid any misunderstandings which could lead to arguments.

We know texting is really convenient but with autocorrect and the possibility of spelling mistakes and abbreviations, what you want to say may come across totally different to someone who is reading it. It’s much easier to get your point across when you can have a real-time person to person discussion as you can ask questions and get immediate answers.

Phone calls can strengthen your connection with each other, not only in new relationships but with long standing ones too.

Hearing each other’s voices is much more intimate than viewing words on a screen. If you know them well enough you’ll be able to hear certain cues in their voice so you know how to react to what it is they’re saying.

You’re also more likely to be giving them your full attention – or at least more than you would be if you were texting – showing that you care about them and are interested in what they are saying.

If you’re at the beginning of a relationship you are able to get to know someone much better by talking on the phone. Texting is so impersonal; you are unable to get your personality across in a text. If you talk regularly on the phone you will get to know each other’s sense of humour and how they are feeling.

One thing that can also be a major issue for some people with text messages is waiting for a reply. Some people will see it as similar to having a face-to-face conversation, where you take it in turns to reply to each other, but others don’t see it like this and can take much longer to reply without realising the other person is waiting. When talking on the phone you’re going to get an immediate reply as the person is mostly focusing on you, rather than doing other things at the same time meaning they might not reply immediately.

So whether you’re dating or married, chatting on the phone has huge benefits for your relationship!

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