Date Ideas Dating

Rainy Summer Day Date Ideas


Couple on a date in a restaurant eating cake

The UK is having a very rainy summer this year so the usual summer date ideas like picnics in the park or long romantic walks in the countryside have to be set aside for the time being (nobody wants soggy sandwiches!).

What fun date ideas are there for when the rainy weather keeps you inside?

We’ve compiled a list to give you some inspiration, whether it’s your first or fiftieth date.


Book a table for lunch or dinner in a nice pub/restaurant.

If you want to treat yourselves and make it special, this is the classic date idea. Have a couple of drinks or pair it with some lovely food, it’s always a great date idea for whatever the weather.


Watch your favourite movies or binge your favourite TV shows together.

Spend a rainy day watching the things you both love! Show each other your favourite movie or TV show whilst snuggled on the sofa with your favourite snacks. It’s a great way to do something you both enjoy.


Cook and eat dinner together.

This can be a really romantic activity to do together. Share the tasks between you and cook your favourite meals. To make it extra special you could have 3 courses and enjoy a candlelit dinner just the two of you.


Go to a local museum or art gallery.

To incorporate a little culture into your date, visit a museum or art gallery for some historical subject matter to talk about. This is great especially if one of you is really passionate about something you’re going to see. Check the exhibitions and see if there’s anything you’d both like to visit.


Play your favourite games.

Whether you like console games, board games or card games, you can play together and show your competitive side! Show your date your favourite game to play, and challenge them to beat you. It’s a great opportunity to show something you’re passionate about, whilst having a lot of fun together.


So whether you want to go out and find an indoor activity, or stay indoors and stay dry, there’s plenty of ideas for you to get some inspiration from.

If you’d like to find that special someone to enjoy these activities with then try a phone chat with plenty of singles from around the UK who are chatting right now on the UK’s favourite chat line – Chat2Date!


Top 6 Red Flags To Look Out For When Dating

Man and woman each holding half of a red broken heart

Dating can be really difficult and it can be impossible to tell who is genuinely looking for a relationship and who is just looking for a hook up.

There are some often small tell-tale signs that someone isn’t really interested in you for you, so we’ve listed some red flags to look out for when you’re chatting to people.

They ask for your number immediately.

No one needs your number when you’re just chatting. Whether it’s on our text chat or one of our chat lines where you can quite easily communicate without revealing your number, there’s no reason for them to ask before you even really know each other.
We always advise not to give out your personal details including your phone number until you’re really comfortable.

They don’t take no for an answer.

Whether it’s asking for your number or asking you out, if they are too persistent or won’t take no for an answer, this is one of the quite big red flags.
Some of the most important things in a relationship are respect and boundaries and if someone doesn’t respect those from the start then there’s no real basis to build a friendship, let alone an intimate relationship with someone.

They only have one thing on their mind.

Yes, sex and intimacy are important in a relationship, but it’s not the most important thing. If someone immediately launches into anything like that… run!
You are more than just your looks. Someone you’re going to potentially spend your life with should like everything about you before intimacy is even on the table.

They aren’t open and honest with you.

Everyone has secrets. Everyone has things they’re not comfortable revealing. However, if they won’t tell you basic things, or things you feel are important in a relationship, it’s worth questioning why.
You need to set your own boundaries about what you’re comfortable with and there needs to be a discussion about what your expectations are.

Love bombing.

Be very aware of someone who showers you with love, affection, gifts, or extravagant things at the beginning of a relationship. You might not notice it at first, but if it’s over the top this can be “love bombing”. This is where they lure you in by making you think they’re really lovely and kind and generous, but once you’re in a more settled relationship with them, their behaviour changes and you might end up feeling stuck.
Of course, someone might just genuinely be very generous!

They don’t want you to meet their friends/family.

This is quite a big red flag as there’s no genuine reason why they wouldn’t want you to meet their friends and family if they’re actually wanting a relationship with you.
They should want everyone to meet you and you to meet everyone they love, as this is a big step into cementing your relationship with each other and within each other’s family.
It’s normal to not want to go in too early, because you want to make sure the person is going to stick around before you introduce them, but if you’re a while into a relationship and they keep making excuses, there’s something not right.

Always be cautious when dating new people, and always be alert for any of these red flags.
Always make sure you talk about things and set clear boundaries and be honest with each other from the start.

If you’re yet to meet someone, then get chatting on our chat and text lines as you never know when you might meet The One!


Date Ideas Dating

Autumn Social Distancing Date Ideas

Man and woman smiling on date in restaurant with food and wine

Now that it’s autumn and the temperature is dropping it’s not as pleasant to go down the beach or sit in the park. So what options are there when you want to go on a date?

We’ve compiled a list of some autumn date ideas that will still take social distancing into consideration.

Book a table in a restaurant or pub

We can still eat inside places at the moment so if you’d like a traditional date where you can eat good food and get to know each other then this is still a possibility mostly – do check local area restrictions first!

Go for a walk

If the weather isn’t too bad, you can still go for a walk in a local park, in the countryside or along the seafront. Just make sure you wrap up warm! This is great if you’re not comfortable meeting in an indoor setting.

Go to a zoo or nature park

These are always great date ideas, but staying outside is a good way to keep yourself safe in these uncertain times. It gives you lots to talk about and can take up a nice chunk of time so you can really get to know each other all whilst doing something fun.

Go to a museum or art gallery

If you both enjoy history or art and are comfortable going inside, a museum or art gallery are great places for a date. There’s plenty to talk about and it’s a great way of talking about things you like and bonding over similar passions.

Video call

The safest option of all is a video call date. You still get to see each other but there’s no risk whatsoever. You can also have a glass of wine and be comfortable in your own home whilst getting to know each other.

So depending on what you’re most comfortable with, and what local or national restrictions allow, there are still plenty of date ideas for you to try.

If you’re still looking for that special someone, sign up with Chat2Date today!

Dating Phone Chat

Phone Chat: Our Top 5 Tips For Dating On A Chatline

Woman smiling leaning against wall talking on mobile phone

Chatlines have been around for a long time and even with the introduction of online dating and dating apps, it’s stood the test of time.

Whether you’ve used a chat line before or not, our top 5 tips will help you get the most out of dating and phone chat and boost your chances of finding someone special.

  • Record a decent introduction for your voicemail box. You’re trying to get people to like the sound of you so make sure you highlight your best qualities! Phone chat should be natural and you should focus on what you like.
  • You can tell a lot from someone’s voice. You’re likely to get a reasonably good sense about who they are over the phone. It’s much easier to connect that written down messages. However, if something doesn’t feel right, don’t pursue it.
  • Be sensible about meeting up. If you decide you’re getting on well and would like to meet up, make sure it’s in a public place and you tell a friend where you’re going.
  • Don’t give out any personal information. When chatting to someone, don’t let them know personal details before you’re comfortable. Arrange to meet through the chat line (following the above tip) and then decide if you’d like to pass on your phone number etc.
  • Have fun! Dating isn’t supposed to be a chore, it should be enjoyable. Just be yourself and make the most of your time chatting to someone. This will help you find someone special

If you’d like to give it a go, join Chat2Date today and see who’s on the line!

Date Ideas

Great Date Ideas For Autumn

Couple smiling at the camera making a heart with their fingers together

As summer draws to a close and the temperature starts to drop, what sort of dates are there that are still romantic? We’ve listed a few date ideas below.

Wrap up warm and go for a walk in your local park.
As the leaves start to fall and crunch under your feet, the colours become magical. Going for a stroll in a local park can be really romantic. You can also snuggle up together to keep warm!

Find a nice pub with a log fire.
You might be a little cold if you’ve gone for an autumn walk so find a lovely local pub with a burning log fire to warm yourselves back up again.

Cook dinner together.
This may not sound exciting but cooking dinner or baking something warming together can be a really fun activity. You could cook a nice roast dinner or bake a lovely pie for dessert. Working together can strengthen your bond and you may even learn new things about each other!

Watch a movie.
This doesn’t sound like a great date idea, however as it gets colder outside it gives you an excuse to snuggle up together under a blanket, maybe even with a hot chocolate.

Read a book.
If that’s not your thing, why not swap your favourite books and read together?
If you both enjoy reading, recommend your favourite book and read each other’s together. It might not sound like a ‘date’ but you can pause after chapters and have a discussion about what’s happened and your favourite parts.

Go on a bike ride.
Going on a bike ride is a great way to have fun together. Find a nice cycle trail and stop off somewhere along the way. The exercise will keep you warm!

Go to your favourite coffee shop.
Something as simple as going for a coffee together can get you out of the daily grind and give you some quality time together. If you want to, you can order each other a new drink to try and have a little fun.

Make the most of the autumn weather before it gets too cold and go on some dates together.

If you’re looking for that special someone to go on these dates with, check out Chat2Date today!

Date Ideas Dating

Valentine’s Day When You’re In A New Relationship

Man and woman smiling on date in restaurant with food and wine

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, you need to make sure that you both know where you stand.

Make sure you talk about it beforehand. You might have totally differing opinions on Valentine’s Day so it’s worth talking it through. You don’t want to get them a present if they’re not going to get you anything or vice versa as it would be totally embarrassing!

If you’re not yet ‘exclusive’ it’s best to ignore it all together. You don’t want to put pressure on them when you’ve only been on a couple of dates as it could end up being very awkward.

If you are ‘exclusive’ keep it minimal. It’s fine to have a date on Valentine’s Day but there’s no need to do anything extravagant. Don’t go all out and buy presents if it hasn’t been talked about previously.

If you need some simple, no-pressure date ideas, give these a try:

  • If the weather allows, go for a picnic! It’s simple and easy and doesn’t need much prior planning. (If it’s cold, you could have one in the living room! Put a blanket down and make it really cozy!)
  • Cook dinner together. This is a good way to bond and have a bit of fun together. Find out what their favourite meal is and they can show you how they like it made!
  • Go out for lunch. You don’t need to go out for a big expensive dinner (which you’ll have to book weeks in advance!). Just go out for lunch together instead as there will be much less pressure.
  • Go for a walk. If you’re lucky enough to live either near the sea, the countryside, or even a nice park, go for a romantic walk together.

If you’ve yet to meet someone, give Chat2Date a go and chat to singles in your area on your phone!


The Dos and Don’ts for Dating at Christmas!

Woman and man at an outdoor table in a restaurant, clinking glasses of red wine

If you’re in the early stages of dating, you’ll want to make sure you follow our dos and don’ts for the festive season!

Do: make sure you both know where you stand.
Christmas involves a lot of family and friends and you may want them to meet the important people in your life but make sure they’recomfortable if you want to introduce them.
If you want to exchange presents, make sure you have aconversation about it first. If you haven’t been dating long enough you might notknow them well enough, or they might not feel comfortable with gifts. It’s alsoworth discussing a price limit. All of this can help avoid embarrassment!

Don’t: ignore them.
Yes, Christmas is a very busy time for a lot of peoplebut if you see your relationship going somewhere, ensure you make time for themduring the festive period.
Further along the line, compromise with Christmas andwhose family you spend time with. Alternate who you visit on Christmas day forexample.

Do: watch your alcohol intake.
There is more alcohol available at Christmas what withall the parties and gatherings. Your date doesn’t want to have to hold yourhair back or carry you home when you’ve had one too many, especially in theearly stages of a relationship. Have a couple of drinks but pace yourself -there are plenty of opportunities for drinking!

Don’t: crowd each other.
You need space, especially when there are so manytraditions and parties and family gatherings. You each might want to do yourown thing sometimes, especially if it’s family traditions you partake in everyyear. Don’t pressure them to include you in everything, make sure you do yourown thing as well.

Do: take advantage of all the great date ideas in winter.
Ice skating, Christmas markets and cosy nights in! Thereare loads of date opportunities in the colder months that can be very romanticso make the most of them!

Merry Christmas from Chat2Date!


6 Ways To Tell Someone Likes You

Blonde woman smiling at red haired man

Not sure if someone likes you? Want to know if you’re likely to get another date? Look out for these signals to indicate if they’re into you!

  1. Mutual eye contact.

If someone likes you they are much more likely to try and catch your eye and will maintain eye contact whilst talking to you.

Maintaining eye contact elevates your oxytocin levels and increases mutual attraction.

Just make sure that your eye contact doesn’t end up verging on staring as that’s rude and might scare your date!


  1. Finding excuses to touch you.

When someone likes you’ll they’ll quite often go out of their way to find excuses to touch you.

This might be lightly touching your arm as they talk to you or finding an excuse to hold your hand.

Another way they could touch you is by “preening”. Picking fluff off your clothing or straightening your collar or tie could be an indication that they’re interested in you.


  1. Inward leaning.

The way a person is sitting is an important gauge as to whether they like you. People tend to lean towards people and try to close the gap between you. For example uncrossing their arms/legs or leaning over a table or if you’re sitting next to each other, they’d be likely turned towards you to give you their full attention.


  1. Mirroring.

Subtle mirroring indicates attraction. If they cross their arms when you do, or uncross their legs when you do then it is very likely that there is attraction there.

People who like one another are likely to mirror each other’s body positions. It can help establish rapport and sends a subconscious signal that you’re interested.


  1. No barriers between you.

If they are interested in you they are likely to remove any barriers or obstacles between you. If they’re sitting opposite you they might move to sit next to you or if there is something big on the table they might move it out of the way so they can see you better. These are great indications that someone likes you.

They might move cups and things out of the way so that there is a clear path between you, or also as mentioned previously, they may uncross their arms or legs as this can be seen as a barrier, so removal of this leaves them more open towards you.


  1. They ask you lots of questions.

If someone is asking you a lot of questions about yourself and seems genuinely interested – then they probably are!

If you like someone you want to make time to find out more information about them so if someone is making an effort to learn about you then they are likely to have a vested interest in you.


Chat with genuine local singles today with Chat2Date!