
7 Brilliant Questions To Ask On A First Date

A first date is an opportunity to have a fun experience with a stranger. But it can also be exciting, nerve-wracking or a total disaster. Here are 7 brilliant questions to ask on a first date.

When you’re getting to know someone you have a crush on, it can be tricky knowing how to get the conversation started, and to how to keep it interesting and light-hearted so that you both enjoy the date experience.

On Chat2Date, you can have tons of practice chatting and flirting with friendly folk in a totally anonymous way. Should you happen to connect with someone who piques your interest, you can send flirty messages online or via SMS chat, and arrange to meet in person on a hot date.

These 7 brilliant questions are guaranteed to encourage great first date conversation, to identify compatibility, and to help you gauge more quickly if you have a connection that’s worth exploring more deeply.

  1. “How would your closest friend describe you?”

To get a feel for the role that your date plays in their closest friendship and social circles, ask them to tell you about how others would describe them. Their reply will give you an idea of their own perception of their personality.

The answer to this question also offers an invitation to explore their most important connections – like parents, siblings and BFFs. Paying attention to how they talk about other people will additionally give you an insight into their character.

  1. “What makes you unique?”

One of the easiest ways to connect with someone new is to get them talking about themselves. When they mention a hot topic, like their favourite movies, music, books or sports, you can easily establish a bond by sharing your own likes and dislikes.

You can also be cheeky and ask them to share a secret about themselves that they haven’t told anyone else. Or to tell you about a special talent or skill that they have.

  1. “What matters to you?”

Avoiding asking questions that are too specific – “what are your hobbies?” – or predictable – “where have you been on holiday?” – will make your conversation much more fun and interesting.

Asking a question about what they’re really invested in is a great way to discover what your date values and is passionate about, and if they share your ideals, principles and virtues. Besides learning what they value the most in the world, you’ll have an opportunity to experience a magical moment, when you catch a glimpse of light in their eyes as they share info about the people and things that are truly meaningful to them.

A date who values possessions over personal connections is likely to be a materialistic type, and therefore not your potential perfect partner, if you’re someone who cherishes relationships the most.

  1. “Where is your favourite place on the planet?”

To discover what kind of setting makes your date feel most comfortable and at ease, ask them to tell you about their ‘happy place’.

If they love to travel, their favourite place could be a vacation destination that inspires them to tell you stories about their adventures. If their happy place is somewhere closer to home, like a secret location where they go to unwind, relax and escape the world, you could learn about their life story and how they came to discover the special retreat.

  1. “Would you rather…”

While it’s great to ask your date some icebreaker questions that elicit deeper responses than superficial surface level chitchat replies, it’s also worth throwing in a few silly ones too…

You can have a lot of fun asking “Would you rather…?” questions about absolutely anything.

Start off by asking a few questions that are easy to answer…

“Would you rather go to the beach or the mountains?”

“Would you rather only drink coffee/tea or cocktails for the rest of your life?”

Next, get them thinking by asking some thought-provoking questions like…

“Would you rather be happy, wealthy, or healthy?”

“Would you rather find your true love or a suitcase filled with £1,000000?”

And just for laughs…

“Would you rather have skin that changes colour with your emotions or tattoos that appear all over your body whenever you tell a lie?”

“Would you rather have massive hands or gigantic feet?”

These random questions will highlight their sense of humour and potential compatibility.

  1. “What’s on your bucket list?”

Most people have a bucket list of things they would love to do and places they want to visit. Asking your date what’s on their list is an excellent way to find out what you have in common.

  1. “What was your first impression of me?”

Once you’re relaxed in each other’s company, you can ask a question that’s more personal.

The way in which your date describes you will help you get a sense of how much they’re into you. If the description is a good fit for your personality, or they’ve correctly gauged your sense of humour, interests and passions, you could be onto a good thing.

If their description is way off the mark, you can either share more about yourself, or cut loose. Someone who’s not paying you attention on a first date is unlikely to make much of an effort at any other time.

You can also give your date an opportunity to ask you any random question that they like, so that you can explore their emotional intelligence. If they don’t know what to ask you, it’s probably best to end the date and move on.





5 Ways To Make A Great First Impression

If you’re hoping that the flirty banter that you’re currently enjoying with a sexy stranger on Chat2Date – the UK’s busiest phone chat line – leads to a hot date, it’s crucial that you know how to make a positive and lasting great first impression.

A great first impression counts whether you’re dating a crush, interviewing for a job, or meeting new people. How you come across in the first 30 seconds of an encounter sets the pace and scene for how things progress and develop between you. You have less than half a minute to dazzle with your personality, charisma and intelligence.

Even though time is limited, there’s no need to break into a cold sweat to impress someone, when you know all about the 5 ways to make a great first impression…

  1. Prioritise punctuality

When you’re meeting someone in person for the first time, it’s absolutely essential that you are punctual.

Arriving 15 minutes before your agreed time is sufficient for you to get comfortable at the chosen venue, and to make sure that you look and feel your best. Arriving any earlier may make you feel anxious while you watch the clock.

If you’ve agreed to catch up online at a particular time, don’t be tardy with your timekeeping. Being late could present your crush with an opportunity to chat and get to know someone else.

  1. Polish your social skills

Social skills incorporate the ability to communicate effectively, to actively listen, and to show empathy and respect. Mastering these valuable life skills will boost your self-confidence, and enable you to create an impression that’s always positive and well received.

When meeting someone for the first time, relax and smile warmly, and confidently extend your hand for a firm handshake.

Use a simple introduction like: “Hi, I’m ________. It’s great to meet you”.

Speak slowly and clearly, and use your listening skills so that you can easily recall the other person’s name during later conversation.

  1. Make eye contact

Eye contact conveys confidence, and a sense of interest. When you meet someone for the first time, it’s a good idea to use the powerful technique during the introduction handshake, and whilst you engage in warm and friendly conversation.

For eye contact to feel comfortable, it should be fleeting. Holding a gaze for longer than a few seconds, or staring, will have the opposite affect of what you’re hoping to achieve.

  1. Use body language tricks

It’s estimated that 60-90% of our communication with others is nonverbal. Within the first few minutes of meeting someone, your body language is doing all the talking. Unbeknown to you, your body is constantly offering clues of your credibility and intentions.

On a hot date, non-verbal communication can make or break what could potentially be a great relationship. To ensure that your body language doesn’t let you down, start by adjusting your posture…

Your back should be straight but not rigid, with shoulders relaxed.

Next, align your body with the person you’re talking to.

If you’re seated, avoid crossing your legs, but do lean in slightly to show interest.

Mirror the body language that you’re observing, so that the other person feels relaxed in your company.

Using hand gestures is acceptable, provided that they improve your thinking process.

Show that you’re paying attention, by offering appropriate nods and a genuine smile.

  1. Show off your authenticity

It’s perfectly normal to feel slightly anxious before meeting someone new. If you want to make a good impression, it’s always best to be authentic. This means owning up to how you’re feeling.

Even if your acting skills are top notch, never try to impress by pretending to be someone you’re not. Relax and just be yourself. Imagine that you’re meeting with a good friend, and allow your engaging personality to do most of the work.

If you’re feeling ultra nervous about creating the right impression on a date, it’s helpful to run through the meeting scenario with a trusted buddy beforehand, until you feel relaxed and at ease. Ask your friend for honest and to offer constructive feedback, so that you know what you need to tweak to make a great first impression.


What You Can Learn From Your Dating Failures

Every time that you experience a dating failure, it can feel like all of your flirting efforts and emotional investment were a total waste of time. But if you tweak your perspective, you will be able to see that every date that fails to blossom into an intimate connection – that grows into a full-on love relationship – is actually a blessing in disguise.

You can learn a surprising amount about yourself, your values and self-worth, from dating failures and failed relationships.

The Dating Journey

For most people, the journey of love begins with flirting with someone you fancy, and arranging a date. If all goes well, perhaps there’s another date, followed by many more…that lead to the start of a relationship.

Others though, may experience endless first dates that never seem to progress to a real connection or a budding relationship. Being stuck in a perpetual one-date cycle can certainly feel soul destroying, and make you question yourself. Courageously exploring what each romantic failure is teaching you is essential if you want to learn how to attract lasting love into your life.

On Chat2Date you can easily connect with like-minded singles all over the UK, and explore potential dating possibilities. You’ll be able to practice your flirting techniques and communication skills, in prep for taking the next steps on your dating journey.

Turn Dating Failure To Success

Before you can become successful at dating, you need to focus on your past failures, and to learn from your mistakes. Putting the blame on the other person – for not seeing how awesome you are, why you’re such a catch, or all of your unique qualities – isn’t going to result in you getting lucky on your next date. You need to examine what went wrong, and why the blossoming connection dissolved on the first date. To find the answers to these questions, you must look within.

You may be subconsciously giving out a message of emotional unavailability, or exercising negative self-beliefs. Maybe you’re bombarding your date with OTT attention and affection, or acting too casual and cool for your own good. Being too quick to get intimately physical, on a first meet, is also likely to end up as a dating disappointment.

Identify your core issue and mistakes, and take responsibility for not repeating the cycle again.

Spot Dating Red Flags

When you’re keen to form an emotional bond with someone, it’s important to pay attention to red flags. It’s easy to overlook things that can potentially become an issue down the line, when you’re wearing rose-tinted spectacles. If you notice a behaviour pattern that’s familiar to past experiences, pretending that it doesn’t exist is a guaranteed way to get caught up in yet another repetitive cycle that catapults you into heartbreak.

Learn from your past dating failures, and be prepared not to compromise on anything that you consider to be a deal-breaker. If you settle for less than you deserve, you will never be happy.

Level Up

Every dating failure gives you a chance to level up. Yes, rejection can be tough, but picking yourself up and learning from the experience will get you closer to finding your perfect love match.

To level up, you need to be honest with yourself and to understand your dating style, needs and wants:

Being too needy for love is detrimental to your dating success. While it’s good to have expectations when you go out on a first date, allowing your emotions to take the lead can end up with you playing out a fantasy relationship in your head.

To avoid making a dating mistake, be honest and upfront about your expectations. If they don’t match those of the person that you’re dating, it’s crucial that you accept the fact and move on to dating someone else.

Ditch the illusions and fake stories that you’ve previously told interested parties, to influence their desire for you. Letting go of being someone you’re not means that you can fully embody your unique personality, and the traits and qualities that make you special.

When you level up, you won’t want to be anything but your authenticate self. You also won’t want to date anyone who isn’t genuine and authentic, as you just won’t feel truly comfortable in their company.

Embrace Being Single

There’s nothing wrong with being single – for a while, or a long time. You don’t have to be lonely just because you’re on your own. Being single gives you an opportunity to explore your passions and personal interests, which is something that many people tend to forget about once they form a relationship.

Embrace being single and commit to dating yourself at least once a week. Spend quality time doing things that you love and that bring you joy. Overcome loneliness by chatting to singles on the popular Chat2Date social network. You never know… you could strike up a connection with someone who ends up being the love of your life.


5 Signs That Prove You’re Ready For A Relationship

A love relationship is a major commitment that impacts on your whole life. Are you ready for a relationship! It requires equal measures of putting in effort, good communication and compromise. If you’re single and thinking about taking the plunge into the dating pool, chatting and flirting with thousands of people just like you, on the UK’s favourite chat line, is a great place to start your search for your perfect love match.

As a 24/7 service, Chat2date connects singles all over the UK who want to practice communication skills and flirting techniques, and to arrange dates. You can send and receive messages, and pull someone on the phone! It’s a great place to socialise, and to contemplate swapping your single life for a romantic loving relationship.

  1. You’re Not Looking For Someone To ‘Complete’ You

You know you’re probably ready to end your single days when you feel content just as you are. You don’t need a romantic partner to be ‘complete’ you because you already have all the self-love that you require. Feel comfortable in your skin and have embraced your imperfections and flaws, and you love spending time in your own company. For you, a relationship offers an opportunity to share your love and world with someone wonderful who reciprocates.

If you’re deeply longing for a romantic partner as a means to escape loneliness, you’re not ready to make the commitment that a successful relationship requires. Chatting to like-minded singles on our private, discreet and totally anonymous phone chat service will fill your companionship void and prep you for potential romance when you’re ready.

  1. You’re Emotional Baggage Free

All adults that have dated, had a romantic relationship, or have been married or divorced will have emotional baggage as a souvenir of the experience. If you’re weighed down by insecurities, and lack self-confidence and/or self-esteem, you’re really not in the best shape to begin a new relationship.

It’s essential to leave your exes in the past, and to let go of thoughts of ‘what might have been’, if you want to find new love. You’ll also need to do the inner work, and to release emotional baggage. Once you’re free of the past you can move forwards towards dating and commitment.

  1. You Understand The Importance Of Give And Take

If you’ve been single for a while chances are that you’ve developed a few habits that could compromise a new love relationship. Be honest with yourself about how flexible you are with your time, energy and personal and social commitments. For a connection to blossom into a relationship, you need to get the balance right, and to build a strong foundation that is based on reciprocity and good communication.

It’s important to learn how to communicate effectively, and to express your feelings and emotions. If you have a protective wall around your heart, the emotions that are often openly expressed in a relationship will make you want to reinforce your barriers. Chatting and texting with other singles is an excellent way to practice give and take, and to gradually start taking down the wall around your heart, one brick at a time.

  1. Your Heart Is Open

Ask yourself how you feel about the prospect of sharing yourself and your life with someone else. If you’re ready to find love, your open heart will swell and open wider at the thought, and you’ll experience a pleasing warm sensation and excitement.

If the idea of a relationship makes you feel uncomfortable or uneasy, your heart will feel tight and small. It’s telling you that you have emotional baggage to dump before you can unlock it to be ready to love.

  1. You’re Happy And You Know It

The secret to relationship success is to be happy just as you are, right this moment, in your life. If you can find inner peace regardless of chaos going on around you, you’ve achieved the level of serenity and harmony that will benefit all of your relationships – both romantic and platonic.

Up your happy quota by chatting with friendly Chat2Date members and have fun flirting, dating and getting to know each other. The happier you feel, the closer you are to being totally ready for the love relationship of your dreams.


Chat Dating

It’s Cuffing Season!

As the evenings are drawing in, we are entering what’s known as “cuffing season”, so called because it describes the desire to be “tied down” (or “cuffed”) that often arises in the colder months.

It’s the time of year when people have stopped going out quite so much and are staying indoors snuggled by the fire… alone. Cue a last-ditch attempt by singletons to find a romantic partner for the winter.

Cuffing Season officially starts in September when the weather starts to change, but it’s around now that people will be putting more effort in, in order to be coupled up for the colder months.

Shorter days can exacerbate feelings of loneliness, as well as the looming festivities of the Christmas and New Year period. It definitely is the worst time of year to be single, missing out on lots of cosy couples’ activities and romantic dates.

Just be careful of people saying they’re specifically looking for someone to snuggle up to this winter or specifying anything similar as this could mean that they aren’t looking for anything serious or long term. Often these relationships are over by the spring, as people want to be single in time for the summer.

Whether you are just looking for something for the winter months, or want something more long term, now is the time of year to give Chat2Date a go and chat to singles from all over the UK either on our great chat line or if you prefer to message then try our fantastic mobile dating.


New Year New Start: Chat With Singles On Your Mobile

2020 has been A Year. Dating has been completely different but it has still been possible.

New year, new start. If you’re looking for something new to try in 2021, if dating apps are getting boring swiping left and right, join our mobile dating for FREE!

We’ll send you text alerts when you have a new message from a single person in your area.

It could be your year to find love, and what better way to begin the search than trying something completely different?!

We have thousands of new guys and girls joining and messaging each other each week. The ultimate social network for local singles looking to meet new friends, chat or find a partner.

We also give you the option of chatting with singles in your area on our great chat line, so there’s something for everyone, however you want to get started.

Find love or simply chat with people from all over England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It’s modern dating on your mobile and you’ll have a lot of fun making connections with our lovely singles.

So if you’re thinking “new year new start”, register for FREE with our mobile dating today!

Date Ideas

Keep The Spark Alive Whilst Social Distancing

Brunette woman curled up on sofa smiling and texting

Social Distancing is difficult enough as it is, being apart from friends and family. Being apart from your partner can be even more difficult as you won’t get that close contact and intimacy that you’re used to.

So how can you keep that spark alive whilst isolated separately?

We’ve compiled a list of suggestions of things to try.

Video calls

These are important as you can then see each other and it’s easier just to have a normal chat.

Some options offer in-house games as well, like Houseparty, which offers a couple of games that you can play with 2 or more people.

Cook together

You can use these video calls to do things together like cook a meal. Decide in advance what you’re going to make so that you can both get the ingredients and then make and eat a meal together. Light a candle to make it a little romantic!

If cooking isn’t your thing, order the same type of takeaway together, or order a takeaway for each other!

Play some games

Find multiplayer online games or games on your phone you can play against each other. Some apps have built in games you can play whilst chatting. Set up a games night where you have some drinks and snacks and spend some time “together”.

Watch a movie together

You can pre-arrange a time to sit down and watch the same movie (or TV series), pressing play at the same time. Just make sure you can agree on what to watch beforehand!

Get frisky!

Being apart doesn’t mean you can’t be intimate with each other. If you’ve never tried it, now is the perfect time to try some phone sex or sexting to keep that fire burning and the spark alive!

Don’t worry if you’re single and don’t have anyone to virtually date at the moment, Chat2Date is the UK’s busiest chat line so go chat to singles from all over the UK on your phone!

Chat Text Chat

5 Top Tips For Texting Girls

Brunette woman curled up on sofa smiling and textingTexting girls is not something that necessarily comes naturally to guys. Well, men are from Mars and women from Venus after all!

We’ve got some great tips to help you get that conversation started and keep it going when you’re texting someone new.

Don’t leave it too long between messages.

It can mean the difference of keeping the girl interested and her losing interest completely.
Equally though, don’t reply too quickly! If you’re always replying immediately then she might get a bit suspicious – why are you always free and why is your phone always stuck to your hand?!
You need to find a middle ground and pay attention to when she replies as well.

Make sure your spelling and grammar are up to scratch.

Take your time over the reply and make sure you’ve not used any ‘text speak’ or misspelled anything. Try to match her intellect and sophistication with your replies and keep an eye on how she texts as if she’s not so bothered about it, then you can mirror that.

Try and use emojis.

It’s a great way of ensuring your point is read as intended. There’s no tone of voice by written text so using an emoji can portray that you’re joking about something or that it’s a nice message rather than something rude or inappropriate. Just don’t use too many or you’ll look a little over excited.

Try to avoid texting for the sake of texting.

If you’ve genuinely got things to chat about, that’s great, but don’t force it. There’s no point going into detail about something she’s really not interested in, or talking about the weather when neither of you care! Try and find things you both like to keep the conversation flowing.

You can still flirt when texting – be a little bit cheeky!

You’ve got to make sure it’s well received however. If she’s not interested and not flirting back then don’t continue texting, but if you get the green light, go ahead! Emojis can be very useful here, especially the winking face!

Fancy putting some of these into practice? Text girls now with Chat2Date!

Phone Chat Text Chat

New Year, New You!

It’s a new year so get it off to a great start and join our huge database of singles from all over the UK!
If online dating didn’t bring you any luck in 2019 then try our great mobile dating service in 2020! It’s a brilliant way of meeting new people.
There are over 500,000 genuine singles from all corners of the UK so join today and start browsing through the wide selection of people! You can browse their profiles and send messages to anyone you like the sound of.
Our mobile dating is FREE to join so there’s no excuse to not get chatting to singles near you right now!

If mobile dating isn’t your thing, you can always call our chatline where you can set up your own voice mailbox, record a greeting, listen to other members’, swap messages and even chat live. This gives you a great chance to hear what people are really like.
Our chatline is fun, quick and easy and there are always people on the line.
There’s also our text chat service where you can get profiles of singles in your area sent straight to your mobile. Text today and join the party on your mobile!

Join Chat2Date this new year and meet that special someone today. Make 2020 the year for love!

Date Ideas

Great Date Ideas For Autumn

Couple smiling at the camera making a heart with their fingers together

As summer draws to a close and the temperature starts to drop, what sort of dates are there that are still romantic? We’ve listed a few date ideas below.

Wrap up warm and go for a walk in your local park.
As the leaves start to fall and crunch under your feet, the colours become magical. Going for a stroll in a local park can be really romantic. You can also snuggle up together to keep warm!

Find a nice pub with a log fire.
You might be a little cold if you’ve gone for an autumn walk so find a lovely local pub with a burning log fire to warm yourselves back up again.

Cook dinner together.
This may not sound exciting but cooking dinner or baking something warming together can be a really fun activity. You could cook a nice roast dinner or bake a lovely pie for dessert. Working together can strengthen your bond and you may even learn new things about each other!

Watch a movie.
This doesn’t sound like a great date idea, however as it gets colder outside it gives you an excuse to snuggle up together under a blanket, maybe even with a hot chocolate.

Read a book.
If that’s not your thing, why not swap your favourite books and read together?
If you both enjoy reading, recommend your favourite book and read each other’s together. It might not sound like a ‘date’ but you can pause after chapters and have a discussion about what’s happened and your favourite parts.

Go on a bike ride.
Going on a bike ride is a great way to have fun together. Find a nice cycle trail and stop off somewhere along the way. The exercise will keep you warm!

Go to your favourite coffee shop.
Something as simple as going for a coffee together can get you out of the daily grind and give you some quality time together. If you want to, you can order each other a new drink to try and have a little fun.

Make the most of the autumn weather before it gets too cold and go on some dates together.

If you’re looking for that special someone to go on these dates with, check out Chat2Date today!