
Best Dating Hacks To Find Your Person Sooner

best dating hacks

When looking for a romantic partner, people who meet online tend to get serious about commitment much faster than individuals that click in the workplace, at a social event or were introduced by mutual friends. It therefore makes total sense to register and create a dating profile on the website or app of your choice and try these best dating hacks, if you don’t want to waste any time finding your person.

Selling yourself

To attract quality admirers online, make sure that your dating profile features an up-to-date photo and plenty of intriguing information to pique interest. Your bio should ideally be 15-45 words long to catch the eye of skim readers.

It’s also a good idea to include a question in your profile, to encourage breaking the ice communication. Something as simple as “what does your ideal weekend look like?” can boost the number of chat requests and cheeky winks that you receive on a daily basis.

And of course, don’t forget to sell yourself! Be honest and direct about what you’re looking for, and don’t be shy about stating how awesome you are and that you’re even sexier, funnier or (fill in the blank) in person.

Getting dates

If you’re looking for a connection, a hook up or romance that goes the distance, the first thing you need to do is date someone you’re interested in. On Chat2Date, you can easily connect and click with friendly folk from all over the UK. You can share likes and dislikes as well as dating stories, flirt outrageously via text or chat messages, and arrange a hot date when you’re ready to meet in person.

To ensure that your interest gets noticed, it’s best to forget those cheesy chat-up lines that are well out of date. Hook the attention of someone you’re interested in by taking the lead and sending an icebreaker message that stands out.

Refreshing your profile, by tweaking the engaging content or swapping your photos on a weekly basis, will help to boost visibility and attract even more interest.

Exploring options

It’s a fact that men outnumber women by almost 3 to 1 on dating sites and apps. That’s great news, if you’re a single lady looking for love.

Chatting to and flirting with a variety of potential suitors at the same time maximises your dating options. Going on first and second dates with 1-5 people simultaneously is also recommended, if you’re serious about finding your person sooner.

You can easily get to know two or three people by talking on the phone, whilst going on a first or second date with two other possible love interests. To find your person sooner, it’s crucial that you stop going out with someone the moment that you realise that they’re just not a good fit for you.

First date essentials

The location that you choose for your first meet sets the tone for the date. Unless you’ve already agreed on the type of activity that you both like, it’s best to pick a neutral, low-pressure place for the all-important first date.

Choose a casual environment, like a trendy coffee shop or a hip bar, where you can relax and focus on getting to know each other and figuring out how well you connect. Get the conversation started with interesting topics that allow you to show off your intelligence, sense of humour and personality.

Avoid giving empty compliments, but focus on reciprocity. When your date shares something personal or asks you a question, reply by sharing a similar story, or by asking them the same question, to keep the conversation equal. Then go with the flow and have fun.

If there’s really no spark between you, it’s perfectly ok to call it quits after the first drink.

First date success

If your first date was a success, allow the connection to develop and grow organically. Maintain your flirting and chatting schedule on Chat2Date, and keep your romantic options open while your crush puts in the effort to get to know you better. Never chase a potential suitor for date number two. If they’re really into you, they won’t be wasting any time making the necessary arrangements.

Make your crush feel special by showing genuine interest in what they have to say, and focusing all of your attention on them on every date. Check in with how this person makes you feel when you’re in their company, and watch out for any red flags that warn you about their true personality traits or intention.

If you feel comfortable and right at home, you’ve potentially found your person. Yay! However, if there’s little in the way of relationship progress within three months, cut your losses and move on.

Getting into a relationship with the wrong person takes up so much of your valuable time. Investing in someone based on how much you like them will get you nowhere. You’ll find your person sooner by making it your goal to only invest in someone based on how much they’re prepared to invest in you.


How To Write The Best Dating Profile

There’s a big difference between a good and a bad dating profile, and the level of dating success that they can help you achieve.

Luckily, you don’t have to be an award-winning wordsmith to write the best dating profile. With attention to detail and a few tweaks, it’s possible to create a great profile that gets you noticed, and increases your chances of dates, on Chat2date or dating apps.

Check Out The Competition

On the UK’s busiest phone chat line, Chat2date, you can easily connect with guys and girls nationwide. To stand out from the crowd, it’s a good idea to do some research before writing your dating profile.

Before you start browsing profiles of potential dating candidates, it’s essential that you check out your competition.

Imagine that you’re the opposite sex looking for someone hot to date… Take notes on profile presentation and the type of photos displayed. Remember that to write the best dating profile, you need to show off how unique and special you are.

Be Honest & Modest

The quickest way to dating disaster is to disappoint your POI when you finally meet them on a first date. If you’re honest, and modest with it, there’s less reason for a date to fail.

To make a good first impression, it’s crucial that you write information on your dating profile that is genuine and real. Be honest about yourself, what you love to do, and what’s important to you. It’s perfectly ok to admit that you’re intelligent, sassy, quirky, geeky, witty, and not perfect. Oh, and don’t lie about your age!

Be honest about your personal achievements, but be careful not to big yourself up too much. No one loves a boastful person. Write about your ambitions in life, and your guilty pleasures in an honest and engaging way.

The best dating profile is a mix of your personality and lifestyle, coupled with information about what you’re seeking. It should be written like you’re talking to a friend, but without any slang or txt spk.

Avoid Clichés

If you’ve taken the time to do some research on Chat2date, you will probably have noticed that some of the dating profiles are somewhat cliché. People who don’t have a clue what to write, are pushed for time, or don’t have the patience to present themselves in the best light, often opt for clichés on their dating profile.

Letting people know that you: “love to travel”, “like Netflix and chill”, “enjoy good food and good company”, or that your motto in life is “live, laugh, love” is not only boring and predictable, but it also speaks volumes about you…not in a good way though.

There’s nothing wrong about liking these things. You just need to avoid a cliché way of stating the obvious, if you want your dating profile to be the best it can be. Focus on writing about things you love and enjoy that are unusual or extraordinary.

It’s also wise to steer clear of cringe-worthy clichés like: “I’m new here, so be gentle”, “I’m looking for my partner in crime”” and “Deleting soon”. And there’s no place for ‘LOL” on your profile!

Be Specific

To entice someone to send you a cheeky wink or a message on Chat2date, or a dating app, you need to be specific about what you’re seeking.

Don’t be tempted to write a generic type of profile, in an attempt to catch all. While this approach may certainly be effective in bagging you a large number of responses, it will also reduce your chances of connecting with the type of person that you’re actually trying to attract.

It’s best to write specifically for the girl or guy who’s your ideal match.

Do You Like Guacamole?

Some dating sites suggest that you add an attention-grabbing headline to your profile. The header can be something funny, quirky, cute, or totally random like “Do you like guacamole?”

The element of surprise can work wonders in encouraging someone to click on your profile, and to message you.

Choose a headline that relates to the content in your profile, but don’t go OTT. It should compliment your personal details, not detract from it.

Choose Your Best Photos

The photo that you feature on your dating photo is your shop window, and the reason why you receive winks and messages. Choose your favourite up-to-date snap (not one that is 10 years old!) where you look friendly and approachable.

To stand out, pick a photo that displays something creative or mysterious. This could be the arty angle of the camera, or an interesting background location.

If it suits your skin tone, it’s worth wearing red in the photo if you’re female, as the colour that’s associated with love and passion makes men view women as more attractive.

It’s best to avoid using a photo of you with your glamorous bestie, or your ex.

And before you add a photo to your dating profile, show it to an acquaintance of the opposite sex (a co-worker will do), for an unbiased opinion. Someone who doesn’t know you well will form a first impression in the same manner as anyone browsing online. Go with the pic that gets the big thumbs up!


What You Can Learn From Your Dating Failures

Every time that you experience a dating failure, it can feel like all of your flirting efforts and emotional investment were a total waste of time. But if you tweak your perspective, you will be able to see that every date that fails to blossom into an intimate connection – that grows into a full-on love relationship – is actually a blessing in disguise.

You can learn a surprising amount about yourself, your values and self-worth, from dating failures and failed relationships.

The Dating Journey

For most people, the journey of love begins with flirting with someone you fancy, and arranging a date. If all goes well, perhaps there’s another date, followed by many more…that lead to the start of a relationship.

Others though, may experience endless first dates that never seem to progress to a real connection or a budding relationship. Being stuck in a perpetual one-date cycle can certainly feel soul destroying, and make you question yourself. Courageously exploring what each romantic failure is teaching you is essential if you want to learn how to attract lasting love into your life.

On Chat2Date you can easily connect with like-minded singles all over the UK, and explore potential dating possibilities. You’ll be able to practice your flirting techniques and communication skills, in prep for taking the next steps on your dating journey.

Turn Dating Failure To Success

Before you can become successful at dating, you need to focus on your past failures, and to learn from your mistakes. Putting the blame on the other person – for not seeing how awesome you are, why you’re such a catch, or all of your unique qualities – isn’t going to result in you getting lucky on your next date. You need to examine what went wrong, and why the blossoming connection dissolved on the first date. To find the answers to these questions, you must look within.

You may be subconsciously giving out a message of emotional unavailability, or exercising negative self-beliefs. Maybe you’re bombarding your date with OTT attention and affection, or acting too casual and cool for your own good. Being too quick to get intimately physical, on a first meet, is also likely to end up as a dating disappointment.

Identify your core issue and mistakes, and take responsibility for not repeating the cycle again.

Spot Dating Red Flags

When you’re keen to form an emotional bond with someone, it’s important to pay attention to red flags. It’s easy to overlook things that can potentially become an issue down the line, when you’re wearing rose-tinted spectacles. If you notice a behaviour pattern that’s familiar to past experiences, pretending that it doesn’t exist is a guaranteed way to get caught up in yet another repetitive cycle that catapults you into heartbreak.

Learn from your past dating failures, and be prepared not to compromise on anything that you consider to be a deal-breaker. If you settle for less than you deserve, you will never be happy.

Level Up

Every dating failure gives you a chance to level up. Yes, rejection can be tough, but picking yourself up and learning from the experience will get you closer to finding your perfect love match.

To level up, you need to be honest with yourself and to understand your dating style, needs and wants:

Being too needy for love is detrimental to your dating success. While it’s good to have expectations when you go out on a first date, allowing your emotions to take the lead can end up with you playing out a fantasy relationship in your head.

To avoid making a dating mistake, be honest and upfront about your expectations. If they don’t match those of the person that you’re dating, it’s crucial that you accept the fact and move on to dating someone else.

Ditch the illusions and fake stories that you’ve previously told interested parties, to influence their desire for you. Letting go of being someone you’re not means that you can fully embody your unique personality, and the traits and qualities that make you special.

When you level up, you won’t want to be anything but your authenticate self. You also won’t want to date anyone who isn’t genuine and authentic, as you just won’t feel truly comfortable in their company.

Embrace Being Single

There’s nothing wrong with being single – for a while, or a long time. You don’t have to be lonely just because you’re on your own. Being single gives you an opportunity to explore your passions and personal interests, which is something that many people tend to forget about once they form a relationship.

Embrace being single and commit to dating yourself at least once a week. Spend quality time doing things that you love and that bring you joy. Overcome loneliness by chatting to singles on the popular Chat2Date social network. You never know… you could strike up a connection with someone who ends up being the love of your life.

Phone Chat

Stay Safe When Meeting Someone from a Chat Line

Blonde woman smiling at red haired man

Chat lines are one of the most popular ways to meet people nowadays. To ensure you keep yourself safe when you chat, we’ve shared some of our tips below.

Always trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, trust your gut feeling. If someone is asking too many questions or asking things you aren’t comfortable with then tell them.

If someone immediately asks for your contact details or wants to meet before you’ve decided whether you might like them, this can be a red flag – if you’re not comfortable with it then don’t meet them, or tell them you would like to chat and get to know them a little better first. If they agree then maybe they’re just a little keen, if they get aggressive or upset that you won’t then you already know you made the right decision.

If they ask you for money or want you to buy them something, they are unlikely to be genuine and just want something from you, especially if you’ve never met.

It sounds obvious but never send anyone money. It’s so easy to get caught up in the moment and feel like you trust someone and have a connection but always use caution when people have unusual requests.

Be cautious sending out personal information. When you’re getting to know someone, sometimes you talk about things you wouldn’t necessarily talk about with your friends. Be aware of how much detail you’re telling someone you don’t really know.

It sounds obvious but never share your bank details, card numbers, passport or ID details with anyone and be aware that if they are asking about family history and ask for your mother’s maiden name or the name of your first pet – scammers can use this information against you.

Try not to drag out how long you’re talking before you meet.

You can only get to know someone so much over the phone. Once you feel comfortable talking to them, arrange to meet in a busy public place and let people know where you are going.

On the other hand, you are also under no obligation to meet them, regardless of how long you’ve been chatting. If you feel they are puttin you under any sort of pressure to do so, it might be best to move on.

Scammers are unlikely to meet up with you in real life and meeting is a great way to find out if there is a spark between you and you want to continue getting to know them.

When you do arrange to meet them, make sure you meet in a busy, public place and don’t accept a lift. There’s no need to put yourself at any risk.

If your date offers to pick you up, you can politely decline. If they are genuine they will understand your reasons. Never tell your address to someone you’ve only just met and don’t know very well.

Don’t drink too much when you’re on a date, especially  first date. Drinking can lower inhibitions and impair your judgement. You want to be on full alert when meeting someone for the first time and also want to set a good first impression!

Never be afraid to leave if you feel uncomfortable. You don’t owe your date anything and your safety is more important than anything else.

Never take your date back to your place or accept an invitation back to theirs. You need to get to know them and build up trust before you feel safe letting them into your home or being alone with them.

Stay safe when dating with Chat2Date and report any suspicious behaviour.


New Year, New Start This January!

Woman sitting on wall texting and smiling

Now it’s January and Christmas is out of the way and we’re back into our normal routines, it can feel a little bleak and boring.

Spice up your January by chatting with other singles in your area!

Our great phone chat service can get you chatting with single people near you instantly!
Record a short greeting to introduce yourself to others, browse other callers’ intros, exchange messages with your own personal voice mailbox and even have live 1-2-1 chats with local singles.

Don’t fancy phone conversations? Join our text chat service on your mobile and get matches sent by text. It’s fast and easy to use and there are thousands of UK members online every day. Add a photo of yourself to get more people interested in you. You can also see pictures from people who have uploaded images to their profile too.

Rather stick to online dating? We have that too! Sign up for free and check out the profiles of all the members online. You can also search by location so you only browse the singles in your area. Send instant messages and get chatting to local single people now!

So what are you waiting for? January is a great time to get chatting with other singles in your area with Chat2Date!

Phone Chat Text Chat

Phone Chat, Online Dating Or Text Dating – Which Is Best?

Woman sitting on wall texting and smiling

So if you are single and want to find someone then what’s the best way of getting yourself a date?

Well having worked for quite a long time in the chat and date industry I have dealt with a number of services involving chat lines, dating  and various mobile text chat applications. So which one is the best I hear you ask?

Well from what I have seen they are all vary in their offerings. From my experience, I have seen that in their own way they all work in terms of putting you in touch with singles but if you want something to come out of it then you’ll need to do the leg work – don’t just expect the mountain to come to Mohammed.

Let’s start with phone chat lines, these are basically the same as online chat rooms but on your phone. Basically, you phone into the service and record a greeting and introduction message about yourself. Once this is moderated then it goes on to the service for all to hear.  You can then listen to the service and choose the profiles you like and send them a message or request a live one to one chat with them. Of course this service is totally anonymous and we always discourage callers from giving out personal details. As you can tell this service is heavy on the chat side and dating is a little harder to accomplish but not out of the question. I have come across people who have married after chatting with someone on a chat line. One of the great things about this type of dating is that it’s relatively cheap to call into the services as most now run on a 10 pence per minute tariff so all you need is your phone.

Online dating is a different game all together and has changed over the years to become an acceptable way of getting a date. There are a million dating sites out there and all are trying to offer something a little different. There are the general ones designed for everyone, matures ones, adult ones, people in uniform ones and sites out there for people who are into horses!…say no more. The most important thing about online dating is creating a great personal profile. Unlike phone chat with online dating you have more time and space to add information about yourself so you want to make sure you have added a good picture of yourself and write a paragraph or two about yourself, what you like and what you are after. These days you can go that extra mile by also adding a video of yourself. With online dating most of the interaction will be through messaging and email before you even pick up the phone to talk to them. You can create lists of your favourite profiles and start to whittle that down to the ones you really like. All in all online dating does offer a number of great features which are designed to make getting a date a lot easier – with phone chat it’s back to basics and down to good old fashion conversation whereas with online dating you can dress yourself up to be like a well designed book cover with nice image and blurb which appeals to the pass by but they’ll need to delve a little deeper to get the real details.

So what about text dating on your mobile, well this is probably one of the easiest methods to chat with someone else but possibly the hardest to actually reach that end goal of getting yourself a date. Like phone chat you create a profile of yourself i.e. name, age, location, age of people you are looking to meet. You’ll then be sent matches direct to your mobile which you can then send a text message back if any of these appeal to you. You are normally charged per message back you receive depending on the service you are on. These days, most services have a feature where you can upload and download images so this helps a lot when you are chatting with someone on the service. People use text messaging a hell of a lot nowadays and so this type of service generally appeals to people who are constantly on the go and don’t have too much time to pour into searching for a partner. Basically it’s down to personal preference so if this works for you then stick with it.

What lies ahead in the dating industry in terms of technology – video chat and dating is already out there although at present a lot of people are a little wary about seeing the person on the other end of the phone or computer. As usual the adult industry leads the way in introducing you new ways to interact with people and you’ll find there are a few video chat services already being used out there.  Virtual Worlds online are another option – I mean why go down the pub when you can go down the virtual pub and chat someone up!

Click here for information and services on phone chat, online dating and text dating.